Heavy-duty durability starts with a strong foundation. The engine has a fully forged-steel bottom end, starting with a stiff forged-steel crankshaft and supported by forged-steel main bearing caps.
The TurboMax™ engine is designed to take on heavy loads with turbocharged power. That’s why it’s equipped with diesel technologies, such as tri-metal rod bearings, pistons with a fully machined crown and a cast-iron ring carrier supporting a physical vapor deposition (PVD) coated steel top ring.
The hydraulic tensioners reduce chain drive stress and high loads on chain drive systems to provide the durability you’d expect. The lower crankshaft extension helps support the main bearing caps, giving the engine a strong foundation to handle heavy turbocharging loads.
Cast-iron liners provide a durable wear surface for the rings, which is critical for long engine life. A locking interface helps move heat out of the cylinder to the water jacket where cooling occurs. Sodium-filled exhaust valve stems and high thermal conductivity valve seats and guides help keep exhaust valves running cool in extreme, high-performance situations.
Keeping the turbocharger lubricated and cool are the keys to a long engine life. Symmetrical natural turbocharger placement allows for priority feed oil from the filter and optimized coolant routing, which helps the turbocharger cool after shutting down. And under extreme conditions, the electric water pump can provide after-run cooling.